

Breaking Up With The Smartphone
Breaking Up With The Smartphone

"Honestly, my phone is the center of everything I do. I lost my phone and I couldn't function for 10 days" – Vanisha, 22, The Love Network

Launching Wild
Launching Wild

H41 Wild Lager is a limited edition lager created by Heineken® Master Brewers. The secret ingredient to H41 is wild yeast – the ‘’mother yeast’’...

Youtubers + Santa = Success
Youtubers + Santa = Success

Thinkhouse began working with Hammerson, the international property investment firm that co-owns Dundrum Town Centre, in September 2017.

Hacker Culture: The Young World of Cybercrime
Hacker Culture: The Young World of Cybercrime

In a world that has become so terrifyingly reliant on digital technologies, we can often forget the vulnerabilities it leaves us open to. While cyber-attacks...

Electric Ireland - #ThePowerWithin
Electric Ireland - #ThePowerWithin

Once in a while, you get your hands on a brief that doesn’t just challenge the mind, it inspires the mind.

Not Keeping Quiet... The New Resistance
Not Keeping Quiet... The New Resistance

‘’There is a crack in everything. That’s how the light gets in.’’ Leonard Cohen, Anthem, 1992.

Surf - Electric Picnic 2016
Surf - Electric Picnic 2016

In 2016, we brought The Surf Laundry Club (the first ever festival laundrette) BACK to Electric Picnic, Ireland’s biggest festival.

Lil-Lets Let’s Talk
Lil-Lets Let’s Talk

Lil-Lets was launching its first ever Irish campaign targeting girls between 8 and 17 years old. For tweens, vloggers & self-famers are where it’s at...

You won't BELIEVE what The Youth Lab learnt about Clickbait...
You won't BELIEVE what The Youth Lab learnt about Clickbait...

Nielsen recently released a report claiming that only 16% of people read articles word-for-word and 79% only scan web pages. Increasingly, consumers no longer seem...

#ThrowBack to the Future
#ThrowBack to the Future

In just three short months, LucasFilms will release the next instalment of the rebooted Star Wars series: Rogue One, following on from last year’s box-office...